Core Stability Exercises
Static Floor Exercises, The plank, Side Plank, The Gluteus Bridge, Birddog or Superman.
Personal Trainer
Hiring a personal trainer may once have seemed to be only a luxury that the rich and famous could afford.
Core Strength Training Exercises
Most of us are familiar with the world of ‘core stability’
Pregnancy Tips
Select a fitness program that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility component.
As a youngster Amine Dib was infatuated with various sports. However, it was the Korean branch of Taekwondo that captured his imagination. With passions ignited his dedication rose, so much so that at the young age of 16 he earned his first international medal, much to his delight and to the pride of the Black Eagle Academy, the club that had harnessed this new talent.
That was just the beginning. Little did he know that the seeds of an innate professionalism, of sheer commitment and unwavering discipline to a life time of health and fitness would not only grow but drive him towards being a certified fitness instructor, just two years later.
A new world now opened up. Journeys to far flung places once only dreamt of now became the norm. His career catapulted. Participating in global fitness events and conventions, whether in Los Angeles or in Las Vegas, in Montreal or in Paris, brought him deeper into the fitness industry, opening avenues of collaboration with internationally recognized names such as Billy Blanks and Marc Lebert.
His participation in Billy Blanks Billy’s Taebo & Boot Camp Elite DVDs thrust Amine’s Taekwondo mastery and body fitness techniques into the media spotlight.
With awareness now gathering and with
his international reputation firmly to the fore, Amine’s superb knowledge and dedication provides clients with the choice of high-end personal training or group exercises in Los Angeles California where he resides!
A-List performers such as the Lebanese singing superstars, Ragheb Alama, Nancy Ajram, and Elissa and the actress and T.V presenter Daniella Rahme are among many seeking out Amine for his valued guidance on all matters connected to health and fitness and its corresponding lifestyle on both the physical and mental levels.
For nothing pushes him further than relating to his clients. His enthusiasm still undiminished after so many years, so many accomplishments, and with that very same passion that gained him his first medal, Amine instructs and inspires all, gratified in the knowledge that he is helping others in realizing their full potential.